The iBwee Factor

The blog of Daniel Bird of BirdBrain media.

July 10, 2004

Wintel Vs. Macintosh (pt. 1)

I know it's a big debate, Mac Vs. PC, but I thought I'd give my two (or three) cents.


Starting with power cords. On my Mac there is a pass-through power cord from the CPU to the monitor. By using this I free up an outlet, which to me is a very intelligent thing to do. When I have two computers, a lamp, stereo, and clock on my desk it's convenient to have an open outlet. As I recall, I've seen only one pc with a monitor power cord pass-through, compared to all the Macs I've seen, which are ether one piece or have a monitor power cord pass-through.

Your mouse and keyboard sit inches apart, why not run one cord to the CPU, instead of two? Macs run the mouse to the keyboard and then one cord to the CPU, reducing clutter. With a USB keyboard any USB device can be connected to the keyboard, and with the right monitor the keyboard can then be connected to the monitor.

So for the most part, Apple seems to have a more efficient use of cables, like the new cinema displays that have the video signal, power, USB, and FireWire in one cable.
Wintel machines work, but if I had a newer Mac I'd only have one cable from my desk to my CPU, instead of the five or more I have now.


At 6:37 PM, Blogger Daniel Bird said...

I thought I should say that my Performa does not have power pass-through for the moniter. But most Macs still (I think) are ether all-in-one or have power pass-throughs.


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