The iBwee Factor

The blog of Daniel Bird of BirdBrain media.

May 03, 2006

Appendix No More

On Monday I had my appendix removed. I had been hurting and after some tests at the hospital and many, many hours of waiting, the doctor came and said "Your appendix is inflamed and it needs to come out". I didn't really have much of a choice and I wasn't that attatched to my appendix, so I had surgery and they removed my appendix. Now I am sitting at home, feeling a lot better, watching the first session of Lost, and wishing that next week wasn't finals week at school.


At 6:41 PM, Blogger Chris Dugan said...

Dude I had no idea about that. Must have come on pretty suddenly huh?

Get well soon!

At 6:49 PM, Blogger Linda said...

Hey Daniel,

What a way to start May! Sorry to hear about your appendix...hope you are feeling better.

Take care,
Linda (Dugan)

At 9:12 AM, Blogger Cox said...

Dannyboy, hope you feel better! I hear you about sitting around and feeling miserable. I had my wisdom teeth pulled last friday, and had a day of the malaise.

I hope you're better by Sat, we're gonna maybe do another outdoor movie nite!

At 1:40 PM, Blogger The Colonel said...

Why is Casey's cousin Dwain giving you his phone number?


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