The iBwee Factor

The blog of Daniel Bird of BirdBrain media.

July 27, 2004

light goes on, light goes off, etc.

Something I think all computers should have is a on/off toggle switch.
Why? I‘ll tell you, my emachines computer is very crash prone, and sometimes when it freezes it won’t respond to anything even pressing power button thing, and I have to pull the power cord out. It would be nice if all I had to do was flip a switch to kill the power, instead of pulling out the power cord. For an example when the robots in I, Robot go nuts if they had toggle switches, the movie could have gone like this.

(Robots start to go evil, and yell.)

(Then they attack the humans, but Will Smith jumps out and reaches behind each robot and flips the power switch to the off position, stopping the robots.)

Yes, it would make a boring movie, but in real life it's nice that when your computer crashes you can just flip it off, and then flip it on again. That’s just my opinion on power buttons.


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